Working With Documents

Working with documents is an essential element of any job. Documentation is essential regardless of whether you’re planning for a busy seasons or transferring a project to another team member. Effective documentation lets you provide an abundance of details, from account logins to step-by-step directions, which your team can trust when work gets busy. Documentation can also save you time because you don’t need to working with documents go through emails or download files in order to find the information you require.

Document — (noun) A piece of paper containing official information like a receipt, contract or letter. Document can also be an official record written down of something, such as an entry in a journal or school report. Documents can be structured or semistructured. Unstructured documents are handwritten notes, newspaper articles and letters; semistructured include databases, books, and online blogs. Documents can also be piece of nonfiction that provides a reference study or comparison, such as manuscripts illustrations, printed matter, photographs, maps and museum specimens.

A document is a file on an macOS device that contains text and formatting that can be printed on paper or viewed via screens. Documents can be created using macOS apps like Pages and TextEdit and templates downloaded from the App Store. For more information, see the Apple Documentation for Pages and the Apple Documentation for TextEdit. You can also find assistance for these and other applications by selecting Help in the menu bar while working, or by searching for « document » on your Mac.